The Electrical Contractors’ Association of Ottawa appeared before Jones with one request: that any Metropolitan style city that emerges from the process retain the existing City of Ottawa Bylaw 172, regulating electrical work.
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If a Metropolitan Council is established, the association would like to see licensing comparable to the existing City of Ottawa Electrical By-law 172, administered by the Council and enforced by a Metropolitan Police Department.
Mr. J. W. Dodds, Secretary of the Association, made the submission, requesting licensing comparable to existing City of Ottawa electrical by-law 172 if a metro council were established, to be administered by that council and policed by its government.
The by-law requires all electricians and apprentices to write City examinations, to be licensed by the City annually, and to establish a place of business in Ottawa in order to work there. To comply, some electricians rent a "false-front" in Ottawa and establish their businesses elsewhere. Eastview has established a higher licensing fee in lieu of the place of business requirement; however Nepean, Gloucester and March Townships are considering by-laws similar to Ottawa's which would require a place-of-business in all three if you wished to work there.
The by-law requires that a place of business be accessible to the public and it was recommended that this be strictly enforced and the whole area incorporated under one licensing law. This would do away with garage and basement operations and permit contractors to reside in one municipality yet operate throughout the entire area. While this Brief only represents the views of electrical contractors it was felt that the proposal could apply to all trades, and in particular the Plumbing and Heating Association, which is preparing a by-law similar to that for electricians.