Second City, Second Metro: Cumberland’s Unsupported County Roads

Nelson Charlebois, Reeve of Cumberland Township, appeared separately to support the township’s submission to the Jones Commission. Top of mind was the disproportionately low share of road funds the township received from Prescott and Russell County.

County Road and TownshipVehicles per dayUnderlined Twp. Contribution to County RoadsUnderlined Twp. Road Program Apportionment
No. 1 CUMBERLAND750-900$43,380.00$72,000.00
No. 15 ALFRED-S. PLANTAGENET150$17,505.00$28,000.00
No. 5 CAMBRIDGE-RUSSELL BOUNDARY280-360$15,683.00$50,000.00

Reproduced above, this table (rejected by the County) represents what Charlebois considered to be a fair deal.

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      This brief is submitted in support of Cumberland Township's submission, which blamed the township's unjust share of the Prescott and Russell County road funds for the poor County roads in Cumberland. Recent events indicate that this County policy has not changed.

       The County Road Superintendent recently prepared a Road Program for the County Road Committee composed of the Reeves of Alfred Village and Alfred, Cambridge, Longeuil, Cumberland and Russell Townships. The program apportioned the 1965 county road levy among contributing municipalities according to the county road "Needs Study Report". Some of the traffic counts from that Report are shown below along with township contributions toward county road funds and the proposed road program apportionment: 

County Road   Vehicles  Underlined Twp. Underlined Twp. and Township  per day   Contribution    Road Program                                      
                        to County Roads Apportionment -----------   -------   --------------- --------------- No. 1         750-900    $43,380.00     $72,000.00 CUMBERLAND 

No. 15         150       $17,505.00     $28,000.00 ALFRED-S. 

No. 5         280-360    $15,683.00     $50,000.00 CAMBRIDGE- 

      This fair and reasonable distribution of county road funds was not adopted by the Committee despite several motions by the Reeve of Cumberland Township. Instead, through successive motions, the Committee transferred $22,000. from Cumberland to Alfred Township county roads and a further $28,000. to county roads in Cambridge Township. 

     The wholesale confiscation of funds seems to justify the contention that representation on the United Counties Council is weighted against Cumberland Township. The Township wishes to withdraw completely and unconditionally from this unworkable, unjust and unwarranted union, and would welcome union with Carleton County. 


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      Reeve Nelson Charlebois, Clerk R.J. Kennedy, Township Solicitor, J.P. Nelligan and Mr. Clarke Rothwell, member of Council were present for the submission.

       The Reeve emphasized that while the township's contribution to 1965 County road funds was $43,380., and a proper allocation for County road work in the township (estimated on the basis of a County road needs study and traffic volumes) would have been $72,000. as proposed in the County Engineer's budget, the County Roads Committee has transferred all of this $72,000. for road work in other areas of the Counties, allowing Cumberland only $10,000. for fencing a development road which the Province is to build through the township.      

     While this decision of the Road Committee must still be adopted by the County Council, Reeve Charlebois made it clear that regardless of Council's decision, Cumberland wants to sever its relationship with Prescott and Russell, and join Carleton County. 
