When given the opportunity to appear before the Jones Commission, the Council of the Township of March expressed its need for a little help.
- 110 - COUNCIL THE TOWNSHIP OF MARCH BRIEF ----- The provincial contribution to township roads maintenance should be based on use by non-residents rather than assessment, and raised from the present level of 65%. Improved maintenance of township roads has increased non-resident use within a 20-mile radius of Ottawa. Increased road maintenance costa has resulted from the heavy use of an 8-mile township road by summer cottage residents in Torbolton Township. The formation of a Township Planning Board, previously requested and refused, could control planning in detail; while the National Capital Commission has been of immense general assistance, such control of presently lacking. A system of regular contributions by the Townships, based on assessment, would permit non-resident use of City hospital facilities without the present additional charge. The Ontario Water Resources Commission has been utterly inadequate in assisting the establishment of sewage disposal facilities in areas of new development. A provincial levy to replace township school levies would provide a more equitable distribution of school construction and maintenance costs. Local government should remain in its present form with regional control perhaps over sewer, water, fire prevention, etc. ----- HEARING ------- Reeve Harold Craig, Councillors Willard Morgan, Harry Read, Reynold Scharf and Patrick Carroll and Clerk, L. Foley were present to make the submission. It was pointed out that although the Brief states "it would - 111 - be appropriate to have certain public utilities such as sewer, water and fire prevention controlled on a regional basis", this proposal stemmed largely from dissatisfaction with the Ontario Water Resources Commission in its handling of the Kanata (March Ridge) development; since the Brief was typed, progress has been made on this matter, and Council does not currently feel that regional administration of these services is necessary. With regard to planning, it was stated that the township would still like to establish its own planning board, but is not sure of the appropriate method of obtaining and financing professional planning advice, although this could be secured in part at least from the National Capital Commission (which is currently preparing an overall plan for zoning in the township) or from a possible County planning agency, which Council would be prepared to support so long as it does not attempt to prevent future development in March. It was noted that the Township's agreement with Mr. Teron regarding the March Ridge development requires the developer to install trunk sewers large enough to serve the whole township, although it is admitted that such full development will be a long time off; it is proposed to require other future developers to repay Mr. Teron for their use of this trunk capacity. Concerning the probable financial impact of the March Ridge development on the township, a report has been prepared by a chartered accountant, a copy of which will be provided to the Commissioner; it was stated that this report indicates that the mill rate can remain practically as it is, due to the services, lot fees, and assessment which this development will contribute. School costs have been rising faster than farm incomes however, and it is felt that they should be borne by the Province. *****