Months before it was even officially “a thing”, the first meeting of the Council of the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton was held on July 3, 1968. The aim was to set the stage for the regional municipality official first day of January 1.1Ottawa Citizen, July 4, 1968, 17.
I promise that I’m not trying to get ahead of myself: testimony and research from Murray Jones’ Commission will continue to be transcribed.
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of the
of the
In accordance with section 8(1) of the Act to establish the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, the first meeting was held in the Chateau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, on July 3, 1968, at 3:30 p.m.
The Honourable Darcy McKeough, Minister of Municipal Affairs for the Province of Ontario, presided.
THE HONOURABLE DARCY MCKEOUGH: I now call to order this inaugural meeting of the Regional Council of the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton. The first order os business is for the Minister of Municipal Affairs to take the oath of allegiance of the Chairman of the Council.
MR. DENIS COOLICAN: I, Denis Murray Coolican, having been appointed as Chairman of the Council for the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth the Second.
MR. McKEOUGH: I will now ask the Chairman to read the declaration of qualification.
MR. COOLICAN: I, Denis Murray Coolican, having been appointed as Chairman of the Council of the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, declare that I am a British subject and am not a citizen or subject of any foreign country. I am of the full age of twenty-one years. I am not an officer, employee or servant of any area municipality. I have not, by myself or a partner, directly or indirectly, any interest in any contract with, on on the behalf of the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton or any local board thereof, or any area municipality or board thereof, and that I have taken the oath of allegiance which I attach hereto.
MR. McKEOUGH: The Chairman having taken the oath of allegiance and the declaration of qualification, I now turn the meeting over to the Chairman, Mr. Denis M. Coolican.
THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you. The next order of business is the declaration of office of the council members. The declaration of office is in a folder in front of each one of the council members, and I would ask them to sign it. The declaration which is being signed by the council members says that they do solemnly promise and declare they will truly, faithfully and impartially to the best of their knowledge and ability execute the office of member of the council of the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton and will truly, faithfully
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and impartially to the best of their knowledge and ability execute the offices to which they have been elected in the municipality and that they have not received and will not receive any payment or reward, or promise thereof, for the exercise of any partiality or malversation or any other undue execution of such office, and they have not by themselves or partners, either directly or indirectly, any interest in any contract with or on behalf of the Corporation.
I now introduce to you the acting Clerk of the municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, Mr. William H. Brunette. Mr. Brunette is a native of the area. He went to school in the area and he served during the war in the Army. For many years he has been associated with the County of Carleton, and since 1965 he has been the Clerk-Treasurer. He has also been the Secretary-Treasurer of the Carleton County Health Unit and Secretary of the sub-committee established by the Minister of Municipal Affairs to study regional government.
I now ask the Acting Clerk if he is able to certify that the certificates of qualification and declaration of office have been signed by all members of the regional council who are present here today.
MR. BRUNETTE: I do so certify Mr. Chairman.
THE CHAIRMAN: I would now like to introduce the members of the Council. I would ask that they stand for a moment when I read their names.
Don B. Reid, Mayor of the City of Ottawa,
Kenneth H. Fogarty, Controller, City of Ottawa,
Dr. Murray Heit, Controller, City of Ottawa,
Earl A. Armstrong, Reeve, Township of Gloucester,
Thomas W. Keenan, Deputy Reeve, Township of Gloucester,
S. Hiram Wilson, Reeve of the Township of Fitzroy,
and representing the Township of Fitzroy and
Torbolton, and Warden of the County,
Desmond S. Bender, Alderman, Ward 1, City of Ottawa,
Wilfred T. Murray, Reeve, Township of Cumberland,
Dr. W. A. Taylor, Reeve, Township of Osgoode,
Mrs. Mary R. Harrison, Alderman, City of Ottawa,
Donald C. Kay, Alderman, Ward 10, City of Ottawa,
Ferguson W. Pratt, Reeve, Township of North Gower
and representing the Townships of North Gower
and Marlborough,
Charles E. St. Germain, Alderman, Ward 3, City of Ottawa,
Kenneth M. Workman, Alderman, Ward 8, City of Ottawa,
Roland R. Wall, Alderman, Ward 7, City of Ottawa,
Alan O. Gibbons, Reeve, Village of Rockcliffe Park,
Jules M. Morin, Alderman, Ward 2, City of Ottawa,
James R. Knubley, Alderman, Ward 11, City of Ottawa,
Glenn R. Rivington, Reeve, Township of Huntley,
representing the Townships of Huntley and March,
Garnet P. Bradley in unfortunately not able to be here,
he being at a funeral. He is the Reeve of the Township of Goulbourn and representing the Township of Goulbourn and the Villages of Richmond and Stittsville,
Rudolph Capogreco, Alderman, Ward 6, City of Ottawa,
Claude F. Bennett, Alderman, Ward 5, City of Ottawa,
J. Roger Crete, Alderman, City of Eastview,
Gerard L. Grandmaitre, Mayor, City of Eastview,
Howard E. Henry, Alderman, Ward 9, City of Ottawa,
Mrs. Ellen Douglas Webber, Controller, City of Ottawa,
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Ernest W. Jones, Controller, City of Ottawa,
Dr. Grant Garman, Councillor, Township of Nepean,
Edmund I. Hall, Deputy Reeve, Township of Nepean,
is unfortunately not able to be here,
D. Aubrey Moodie, Reeve, Township of Nepean.
The next item on the agenda calls for a few remarks from the Chairman. They shall be few. My first should be and are a welcome to our distinguished guests: the Minister of Municipal Affairs, the Honourable Darcy McKeough and his Deputy William Palmer, and I also welcome particularly his colleague, the Honourable Irwin Haskett. It is a pleasure to have here too Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Morrow, Mr. Johnston and Mr. Mackenzie, all members of the Legislature from this area and, of course, Mr. Jules Morin who is here as a councillor as well as a member of the Legislature. They do us honour by being here. Their presence is outward evidence of the interest the Ontario Government is taking in this regional government, and I am certain it is a source of reassurance to the council, as it is to me, to have them with us.
It is also my privilege to welcome on behalf of the Council the Honourable George McIlwraith and the Honourable John Turner, Messrs. Francis and Blair and the Reverend Mr. McBride, all members of the House of Commons. It so happens, and I think everyone will understand, they are here on relatively short notice for their invitations could not be sent out as early as invitations usually are. We are, therefore, doubly appreciative of their interest as evidenced by their presence with us today.
Looking at our distinguished guests, and also if I may say, looking at the size of the group we have here today, one is struck by the fact that the Regional Government of this area provides an occasion for meeting and indeed a community of interest for all three levels of government. It is to be hoped that the presence of these distinguished guests presages a spirit of cooperation between all three levels of government for the improvement of the area and the benefit of the citizens who make up the regional municipality.
The occasion itself is an important one for this area. It is an important one in the municipal life of the Province as well. This regional government is the first in the Province of Ontario.
We are all familiar with the dramatic growth that has taken place in the Ottawa-Carleton area. The municipalities of the County have become increasingly aware of the problems created by the suburban development, while the City of Ottawa has been confronted by many problems relating to capital expenditure resulting from growth. The rate of growth has increased to the extent that both urban and rural communities recognized that consideration had to be given to a united approach to cope with these fast-changing circumstances.
It was the result of this realization that all the municipalities in the area agreed to a review of local government. This was done in 1963 and subsequently formed a pattern for similar reviews in many regions of Ontario.
The report resulting from this review was made in 1965. When published it gave rise to much discussion. At the same time the Select Committee of the Legislature on the
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Municipal Act gave province-wide consideration to the possibilities for meeting the changed conditions.
The final report of the Select Committee on the Municipal Act and related Acts set forth a system of local and regional government which would meet the problems related to cost of services, which could not be met at the local level.
The report strongly recommended the establishment of a complete system of regional government. It would be based on the existing county structures by with the inclusion of all the Cities and separated Towns. The committee also recommended that these regional Councils be given responsibilities for assessment and taxation for regional purposes, major water and storm and sanitary sewer facilities, planning and regional roads, amongst others.
Cette histoire abrégée du développement de notre gouvernement régional soulinge l'importance des problèmes qu'il aborde. Résoudre ces problèmes est essentiel, mais le réussite ne sera assurée qu'avec le coopération et le dévouement bienveillant de tous et chacun.
This success also depends very much upon the willingness of the Council to adopt the regional view and the determination of all to make the most of the opportunities that this new form of government provides.
Judging from what has been said to me during the last three weeks, there is a realization of this and a firm concern that the regional government will be made to work successfully.
Here I think I might thank all the members of the Councils of the municipalities making up this regional government for the help that they have already given me in getting started and advanced as far as we are.
I mentioned earlier we are pleased and honoured to have the Members of the House of Commons and the Members from the Legislature here today. Their presence serves as a reminder that regional government in its plan must be worked out with the complete cooperation of all three levels of government if the best interests of the area are to be served.
I have also said earlier how pleased we are to have the Honourable Mr. McKeough here today for it and his perseverance and energy and responsibility that helped in bringing about regional government. It is my pleasure, on your behalf, to ask Mr. McKeough to speak to use this afternoon.
THE HONOURABLE W. DARCY McKEOUGH: Mr. Chairman, members of the Regional Council, Members of the Privy Council, my colleague Mr. Haskett, Members of Parliament and of the Legislature, Mr. Warden, Your Worships, my colleagues in municipal government elected and appointed, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:
I am indeed most pleased to be here today to share with you in this moment, a moment that we have all, I think, looked forward to for some time.
If I may be a little bit personal, Mr. Chairman, at 7.40 this morning my wife presented me with a son, our second son, and so this is the second birth I have attended today
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so I am not really sure whether I am here in the office of Minister of Municipal Affairs or as doctor, or perhaps just a father, but we will leave it at that.
The occasion for this meeting warrants something more than the customary remarks, for it is a unique occasion to say the least. The inaugural of the Council that forms the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton is not only the first of its kind in this part of the Province, but the first in the whole of Ontario.
I congratulate you, therefore, the first members of this unique Council, and I wish you every success in carrying out the responsibilities entrusted in you, namely, the development of this area as a regional municipality.
The Prime Minister, the Honourable John Robarts, has asked me to extend congratulations and best wishes on his behalf, as well as on behalf of the Government of Ontario. He, of course, would have liked to have been here too. I think with the numbers that we have here, actually, seven, Mr. Chairman, from the Legislature, it is proper that the Prime Minister is at home in Toronto minding the Queen's Park store today with so many of us away.
This regional municipality is for all of us, the members in the area, for all of us in municipal government, at any level of government, a new and exciting experience for us. It is a new concept in government structure. And, because of this, we can assume that every municipality in Ontario, and perhaps in other Provinces as well, will be watching with the greatest interest the progress and the developments being made here.
We have come a long way since I was here last February to announce the government's intention and plan for the establishment of this regional municipality. We have hurdled many obstacles, and with the help, cooperation, and understanding of the many people concerned, we have resolved many issues. The result, among other things, is solid legislation that is acceptable to all concerned.
This legislation was designed to meet the needs of this particular area at this particular time. IT has already aroused a great deal of interest in other sections of the Province, but it would be a mistake to assume that the government will necessarily adopt a similar plan as a solution to the problems of other areas, and so I would like to emphasize, again as I did in February, that the legislation for Ottawa-Carleton should not be taken as any indication of what the policy of the government might be with respect to other regions in the Province, including regions where similar reviews have been or may be undertaken.
I should also like to stress the fact that the legislation established for this area will undoubtedly need to be amended from time to time. The government will welcome suggestions from regional Council with respect to such amendments as may improve the function of this council or the regional municipality.
To be more specific, there could conceivably be a need for the regional government to assume additional services, or perhaps get rid of some of the services which
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are laid out in the Act, or perhaps I think, particularly with the solution which we arrived at in terms of representation in the smaller municipalities is not by any means perfect. I think a more perfect solution could be found by amalgamations of some of these municipalities and we would look forward to working with you to that end. Those are the kind of changes, the kind of amendments which will undoubtedly be necessary from time to time and I assure you again the government will be happy to consider those kinds of amendments suggested by the Council.
In considering regional government for the area, a great deal of thought and consideration was given to the position of Ottawa as our national capital. The progress and development of the Ottawa area is important to every Canadian and we wanted our capital to reflect the growing maturity and stature of our country. We, therefore, designated a system of government which would be worthy of Canada's capital area.
At the same time the Province was insistent that we do not impede the capital's development, just as it was insistent that the program for national capital development shall not impede our commitment to restructure municipal government.
In this respect, I have been asked on a number of occasions as to the planning function of the regional government. I want to assure you that this function can and will be integrated into any larger planning that may result from the current discussions now underway between the three senior levels of government, namely, Ontario, Canada and Quebec.
However, any planning outside of regional jurisdiction must await a report of "The Tripartite" committee.
In keeping with the part my department has taken up to this point - the formal establishment of the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton - you can be assured of continued cooperation. I am certain that I speak on behalf of the Ministers of other Departments when I say that they will strive to complete the changes in organization and administration as it relates to local and provincial responsibilities at the regional level.
However, the majority of the responsibility for the success of the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton is very much dependent on you, the first regional Council. It is this Council that must prepare the ground work and lay the cornerstone on which the entire structure of this region will be built. It is the action of this Council that will have to shape the future, the development and the prosperity of this area.
The people of this area, the local municipalities involved and the Government of Ontario depend on this unique Council, Mr. Chairman, to do all these things. We are counting on all of you to do the work together as one towards the accomplishment of these objectives, and more if possible, and I, Mr. Chairman and Members of the Council, have every confidence that you will do just that.
THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. Mr. Minister, may express to you on behalf of the Council, our appreciation for the confidence that you have placed in us. May I also on behalf of the Council congratulate you and say how happy we are to know that both Mrs. McKeough and your son are well.
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The next item on the agenda is an adjournment if it is the Council's wish, and if there is a motion for it, for five minutes to allow the lights to be turned out and allow any of those who are here who would not wish to remain for the business part of this meeting to leave.
Is there a motion?
Moved by Councillor Alan O. Gibbons
Seconded by Jules M. Morin
That the Council do now adjourn and reassemble
in five minutes.
THE CHAIRMAN: We will meet again in five minutes.
----- RECESS -----
THE CHAIRMAN: Could we come to order, please. This business meeting is called so that the Council may get underway, so that the Council can have before it some proposals, so that the business of organizing the work of the Council can start.
Some of the Council, as you know, commenced to operate in a routine fashion, presumably a routine fashion, after the 1st of January, and between now and the 1st of January can be considered to be an organizing period.
There are some matters, on the other hand, that have to come before the Council to be able to get the organization going and this is the reason for having this short meeting this afternoon - I say short meeting - at any rate this business.
The Chairman explained the reason why a motion for interim rules of procedure was required.
Moved by D.B. Reid
Seconded by Dr. W.A. Taylor
Pending the adoption of the rules of procedure
for the conduct of business by the Council of
the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton,
all by-laws, resolutions and motions may be
introduced by any member of Council without
notice thereof being first given and a vote
taken thereon at the meeting at which they
are introduced.
Moved by G. Grandmaitre
Seconded by E. Jones
That By-law number 1-68 being a By-Law
to express loyalty to Her Majesty The
Queen be read a first time and deemed
as having been read a second and third
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time and passed.
By-law number 1-68 read and passed.
Moved by M. Heit
Seconded by E.D. Webber
That By-law number 2-68, being a By-law
to adopt a corporate seal, be now
introduced and read a first time and
deemed as being read a second and third
time and passed.
By-law number 2-68 read and passed.
THE CHAIRMAN: The next item, the approval of the municipality's participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, relates to those employees of the Council who may be taken on strength of the Council without having been members of the staff of an already existing municipality and is to provide them with pension coverage.
MOTION NO. 5Moved by E. ArmstrongSeconded by T. Keenan
That By-law number 3-68, being a By-law
to participate in the Ontario Municipal
Employees Retirement System be now introduced
and read a first time and deemed as being read
a second and third time and passed.
By-law number 3-68 read and passed.
COUNCILLOR K.H. FOGARTY: Mr. Chairman, I am pleased to move, seconded by Councillor Dr. Grant M. Carman, that By-law number 4-68, being a By-law to appoint a Treasurer and Commission of Finance for the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton be now introduced and read a first time and deemed as being read a second and third time and passed.
Mr. Chairman, I think it would be amiss on my part is I did not perhaps express the thought that this motion is made by myself, and I am sure my colleagues on Ottawa City Council will bear evidence to this, with some degree of reluctance, not because we do not want to see Mr. James H. Lowther assume greater and bigger responsibilities, but because it brings to termination the thirteen years of most effective public service on behalf of this distinguished Commissioner of Finance. We will miss him. We will miss his judgment, on which we have relied with such good reason over these past thirteen years.
He comes to new regional Council with some forty years of experience in municipal administration and finance and I commend him to this regional Council and I am sure that he
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will serve us all very well in the post to which he has now been recommended.
"Motion number 6 Carried"
By-law number 4-68 read and passed.
COUNCILLOR D.A. MOODIE: Mr. Chairman, moved by myself and seconded by Councillor Henry, that By-law number 5-68 being a By-law to appoint a regional Roads Commissioner for the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton be now introduced and read a first time and deemed as being read a second and third time and passed.
Now, Mr. Chairman, it is with great pleasure for me today to recommend to this Council the appointment of Gordon Wetherall. Gordon Wetherall has had wide experience in engineering. He has worked for the Department of Highways for several years and came to the County of Carleton a few years ago.
When the County dissolution has taken place on the 1st of January, there is nothing I like better as Chairman of our County Road Committee than to recommend the appointment of Gordon Wetherall.
I have said before that the County has somewhat been on a regional basis with thirteen municipalities and Mr. Wetherall has done a great deal to keep these municipalities united on our road system. I could not help but pay attention to your remarks' Mr. Chairman, that if we all work together this regional government can work well in this area and I believe Mr. Wetherall has the ability and the knowledge and the experience to help bring this about.
"Motion number 7 Carried"
By-law number 5-68 read and passed.
THE CHAIRMAN: Members of the Council, I have no further business to put before you today, however if there is any business that any members of the Council would like to raise, or if there are any questions they would care to ask, this is an opportunity to do so.
COUNCILLOR M.A. HEIT: Well, Mr. Chairman, is there any indication as to the future intent of the Council with respect to the consideration of some representations which have been made by member municipalities? I am thinking in respect to certain areas which have been considered as regional responsibilities and in particular with respect to fire, police and hospitalization services.
I think there is ample argument for the inclusion of these as regional responsibilities and it has been suggested to me by members of Council here that this could properly to said to be a matter of reference to the Executive Committee which has yet to be named.
I feel if we are to be more than just a Council in name only, we should have some meaningful responsibilities and undertake the task of considering these things which are, properly speaking of a regional nature.
Have you any views on this you would care to express before I go any further?
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THE CHAIRMAN: If I am asked for my views, I think I have. The first one is that I hope that we will be able to organize the Council insofar as committees are concerned and insofar as an Executive Committee is concerned as soon as possible. This will not be only useful for me particularly to have the advice of Members of the Council in an organized way, I think that it will also give an opportunity for the information to get spread about, about what is being done at the present time in the organizing period of the Council.
The matter of taking on other responsibilities, I think, is something that the Council itself will have to study in the light of the sort of experience that we have in organizing ourselves and taking on the responsibilities that have been given to us by the legislation.
Is there any ----
COUNCILLOR HEIT: I am not entirely able to say that I completely understand your answer, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate that there are many responsibilities which are provided in Bill 112, nonetheless specifically can there be any time set when we could consider such matters as I have mentioned. I referred to, very particularly, which I feel are in direct interest to the region, namely fire, police and hospitalization services.
Can we say there will be some time set to consider this? I would like to submit for reference to the Executive Committee which has yet to be named a motion that we consider this matter.
Moved by: Councillor M.A. Heit
Seconded by: Councillor D.C. Kay
That Regional Council take under immediate
consideration the inclusion as regional
responsibilities fire, police an hospitalization
services, and this be a matter of reference to
the Executive Committee to be named for the
Regional Council.
COUNCILLOR HEIT: This is, as I stated, Mr. Chairman, a motion of reference. As I understand, the responsibilities of the Committee is to be the same as that of the Board of Control of a municipality and, therefore, properly speaking, it should be the committee that should take the matter under advisement. This is why I word the motion accordingly.
COUNCILLOR D.A. MOODIE: Mr. Chairman, I can speak to that. I know it is a matter of reference, but at the same time I think we have enough to consider in the responsibilities that you have mentioned that you have been given to us by the Legislature.
When you consider the magnitude of the Regional Roads System, and the study that is going to be made by a consulting firm, I expect, and with what we are faced in the next year, I believe we better get our feet under us first before we proceed with fire and police.
I cannot support that motion here today. I may be sympathetic to it in the future, but I believe we have more important things to discuss right now than this motion with reference to fire, police and hospitalization.
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I think we could well consider the number of meetings we are going to hold; whether we will hold them in the daytime or at night, plus all the routine that has to be done at an executive level, and I agree it should be done at an executive level of recommendation. I cannot support that motion.
COUNCILLOR D.B. REID: Mr. Chairman, likewise, I think the timing of this motion is very poor. For some two years now a sub-committee representative of the municipalities involved in the Regional Council has been working with forms of this Regional Council and a great deal of time on that committee has been spent on what responsibility the Council should take under consideration for the first few years.
In the time to come, maybe fire, police and hospitalization will come under the responsibilities of this Council. I hope they do. This is not the time, I don’t think, to consider this.
I think, as Mr. Moodie pointed out, we have enough responsibilities. The responsibilities have been laid down by the Province. If we can carry these out, and carry them out successfully, I think everyone will be quite satisfied.
COUNCILLOR D. KAY: As the seconder to the motion, I believe that one of the conditions laid down by the initial documents we have, that these motions may be placed before the Council. They are matters of reference. If does not mean that the Executive Committee of this Council will decide to proceed at this particular time, even with the stage of the particular motion.
I feel the matter raised by my colleague, Mr. Moodie, with reference to the time, the afternoon or evening meetings, is irrelevant to what we are discussing here. Actually, we have a Regional Council and it will be the Council which will decide the amount of time which will involve ourselves and, secondly, as members of the Council we will be interested to put the time required to do the Council business. I don’t think the time of the meetings has any meaning here in connection with what we are doing.
It is quite true, my colleague on the Ottawa Council, His Worship has said, about the matter being considered, be at the same time it has been a matter of knowledge in the City of Ottawa, and we believe in the County that these three questions raised by this motion are ones that are of vital concern to the whole area and, secondly, they will have to be taken in their time of priority.
Secondly, there is not any suggestion the motion moved by Councillor Heit, as he is not known as, that there should be any immediate move next Monday to start looking into these problems. I think it sets out, as they do in the speech from the Throne, certain things that might be happening and sometimes never happen.
In any case, I do not agree with my colleague, His Worship, when he says he cannot support at this time. I think this is a plan which can take place at some future date. I believe the Council will have to deal with these problems some time along the way.
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COUNCILLOR K.H. FOGARTY: I think as His Worship indicated, Council is aware that a steering committee has been giving some assistance to the Minister and the Department of Municipal Affairs for some time. I think it is fair to say the suggestion has been made it forms part of the motion, was discussed in that committee and submissions have already been made to the Honourable the Minister, for his consideration and I think when the Minister was here on February 1st as he indicated today, that it is anticipated that as time goes on there will have to be changes and amendments in our basic approaches in the Act itself and certainly that would mean new responsibilities.
In point of the kind of things that Controller Heit has mentioned and which frankly have already been discussed, for instance, we talked about hospitalization, police and fire; there is no reason why transportation should not also be considered. If anything begs for regional responsibility, transportation would appear to be indicated also.
I think that the time is not at hand for use to do what we have been given by way of a summation in this bull which is just hot off the press, and if we can carry out this responsibility and show to the provincial government that as that as a Regional Council we can assume these responsibilities set out in this Act, then we will be mature enough to assume that kind of responsibility that has been indicated in this motion of reference, and I personal would vote against it as I do not think the timing is appropriate.
THE CHAIRMAN: It has been moved by Councillor Heit, seconded by Councillor Kay, that the Regional Council take under immediate consideration the inclusion as regional responsibilities fire, police and hospitalization services, and that this be a matter of reference to the Executive Committee to be named for the Regional Council.
All in favour?
Nay Yea
Mr. Armstrong
Mr. Bender
Mr. Bennett
Mr. Bradley
Mr. Capogreco
Mr. Carman
Mr. Crete
Mr. Fogarty
Mr. Gibbons
Mr. Grandmaitre
Mrs. Harrison
Mr. Heit
Mr. Henry
Mr. Jones
Mr. Kay
Mr. Knubley
Mr. Moodie
Mr. Murray
Mr. Pratt
Mr. Reid
Mr. Rivington
Mr. St. Germain
Mr. Taylor
Mr. Wall
Mrs. Webber
- 13 -
Nay Yea
Mr. Wilson
Mr. Workman
-------------- --------------------
Total 26 3
THE CHAIRMAN: I declare the motion lost.
Is there any other business or questions.
COUNCILLOR H. HENRY: Mr. Chairman, this is indeed extraordinary today, and as I mentioned to you a few moments ago, I think it would be entirely desirable if this group of Regional Council here would have a composite picture taken because it is questionable how many times we will meet when everyone is here. I think there is one away today, but I think for this first meeting of the Council – I know that there have been two pictures taken in two groups.
I would like to respectfully suggest it would be highly desirable for history, for the future, that we could have a composite picture taken of this group here today so we would have it for the future.
THE CHAIRMAN: Councillor Henry was good enough to give me notice of that question, and one of the members of the Press has agreed to retrieve the photographer so that the photograph could be taken afterwards. If that is the case, he was to let me have a message. He has not, so I assume it has not been possible. However, on a subsequent occasion I hope that we have as good attendance as we have today to that we can arrange to have a composite photograph taken.
COUNCILLOR E.D. WEBBER: Mr. Chairman, those of up particularly who served on the steering committee were as much impressed by the efficiency and the cooperation and the courtesy which was shown to us by the members of the Department of Municipal Affairs, the Minister and his staff, and I would like to move that we express our appreciation to them for the effort that they have already put in on our behalf an the effort which will be put in during the next few months in helping us get organized.
COUNCILLOR R. WALL: Seconded.“Carried”
COUNCILLOR H. WILSON: Mr. Chairman, moved by myself, and seconded by Councillor Bender, this Council now adjourn and meet again at a time and place determined by the Chairman.
------------------ --------------------
Chairman Acting Clerk
Source: Council Minutes of the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton for the Year 1968 & 1969 (Ottawa: Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, 1969): 1-13.
↥1 | Ottawa Citizen, July 4, 1968, 17. |