Although there were few in Nepean Township looking for change, at least one – City View – was dissatisfied with the status quo in 1965.
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This submission discusses some deficiencies of the present system. After reviewing briefs submitted by others, and obtaining the views of Association members, a further submission may be made at the second series of hearings.
At the time the Ottawa, Eastview and Carleton Review was announced, this Association, after two years of study, was preparing a submission to the Ontario Municipal Board to replace the Police Village of City View by an incorporated municipality comprising that portion of Nepean Township east of Woodroffe Avenue and north of the greenbelt. It was decided to defer this action and present views at these hearings.
It is considered that the present Township/County system is outdated for the following reasons:
- the size of the township was set so that councillors
using horse and buggy could get together for a meeting;
- subsequent population movements have urbanized large portions
of townships like Nepean, but five man councils are still
trying to cope with the complex problems of providing urban
services to perhaps 30,000 people;
- conversely, five man councils represent as few as 800 people
in rural townships, whereas with present transportation and
communication facilities they might efficiently administer
rural areas several times larger;
- county councils do not have representation by population, and
areas providing a small portion of the revenue can and do
control county spending;
- repeated threats of annexation by Ottawa have led to
apprehension and location of industry beyong [sic] the
greenbelt to reduce this possibility.
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Lack of co-ordination between municipalities has hindered the provision of adequate roads, public transportation, welfare services, recreation facilities, and land use plans. It has also resulted in differing hydro and water rates, failure to design utilities for future needs, restrictions on where doctors locate, and a multiplicity of fire and police departments.
The present system of provincial control of municipal expenditures also results in frequent confusion and uncertainty on the part of municipal officials.
Messrs. R.A. Tombs, President, J.H. Gillmor, Vice President, appeared at the submission.
It was noted that the area represented by the Association is somewhat larger than the Police Village of City View.
The 5,000 to 6,000 residents of this area are not felt to be properly represented under the present form of local government, which is essentially a rural type of administration. While it was stated that an increase in the size of the township council and staff might be an improvement, it was felt that a good many other changes would also be required in order to service the people adequately, and the Association executive does not wish to propose any such changes until after further consultation with the Association's membership.
Police Village involvement in the maintenance of collector roads passing through it was cited as an example of the need for more coordinated functional responsibilities. It was also pointed out that there seems to be little coordination between Ottawa, Nepean and other municipalities in providing an adequate system of storm and sanitary
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sewers, as existing sewers are frequently overloaded although the area is not yet fully developed.
With regard to differing rates of utility services, the "vast difference" between Nepean and Ottawa hydro rates were cited as an example; although with the formation of the Nepean Hydro Commission it is expected that the disparity will diminish in future, this will not be as satisfactory as arrangements which would establish the same rates throughout the whole area.
It was also suggested that individual townships cannot adequately provide the full range of welfare services, and that there should be a coordinated welfare program between the City and the township. A joint recreation and parks committee of some sort between the City and townships was also foreseen.