Next up in the Submissions was another voice hailing from Cumberland anxious to leave the relationship with Prescott and Russell and open new horizons with Carleton.
Cumberland Village’s doctor, I.F. Kennedy, appeared before Jones with one message: Cumberland Village and Township should definitely be made part of Carleton County and removed from the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. Cumberland’s relationship was already much stronger with Ottawa than it was with the County Seat at L’Orignal, and it did not make sense to have to seek services 45 miles eastward when they should be available 12 miles to the west in Ottawa.
- 22 - DOCTOR I.F. KENNEDY, CHAIRMAN, CUMBERLAND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BRIEF We, of Cumberland Village and district have been unhappy about Russell County's association with Prescott County for a number of years, and are concerned over the proposed Ontario riding changes. We are all closely associated with Ottawa, twelve miles to the west, and find the political association with the County Seat at L'Orignal, forty-five miles east and half way to Montreal, a farce. We also suffer economically, due to a higher than equitable share of County assessment and much poorer County roads and health services than are provided in Prescott County. Our elderly persons refuse to use the distant County Home for the Aged at L'Orignal, and any required trips to the courthouse there are ridiculously inconvenient. ------------ HEARING While convinced that there are compelling reasons why Cumberland Township should be made part of Carleton County, Dr. Kennedy stated that he does not believe this to be as true for other townships in Prescott and Russell County. With reference to the hospital problem, it was admitted that use by Cumberland residents of City facilities adds to the current bed shortage without contributing to capital costs. Unable, as a Cumberland doctor, to retain privileges at the Ottawa Civic, Dr. Kennedy was fortunately able to obtain obstetrical and medical privileges at St. Louis Marie de Montfort, a private hospital. Realignment of Cumberland to the west would permit a proper approach to this and other area-wide problems, such as the urgent need to improve county roads for the many commuters resident in the township, Dr. Kennedy noted. ************
The merger of Prescott and Russell Counties was completed in 1820.