Admittedly, I have been slow to warm up to the cold concrete of the Brutalist aesthetic. Like most, I had found the style cold, inflexible, and forbidding. As many examples of these concrete creations approach an age at which their heritage must be considered, a number of advocates have appeared to rehabilitate the image of this misunderstood style. While those advocates like Sarah Gelbard or Shawn Micallef might not win everyone over, I’ve personally found the arguments convincing.
Of course, I might have been especially pliant or vulnerable to such arguments. At 35, I’m at an age where that smell of concrete and those sometimes playful and inventive nods of the advanced engineering behind the style were dizzyingly common through childhood. It’s hard not to be transported back into some nostalgic vortex. When younger, many of the buildings were still too new to have been altered (at least drastically) to fit contemporary styles. Many memories were formed in those environments. Or maybe I just like grey and burnt orange more than I care to admit.
Although not really a brutalist structure, I first noticed the twinge at Carleton University’s University Centre in 2000, when I arrived in the city. Z. Matthew Stankiewicz’ judicious use of concrete, leaving the unmistakeable scent awoke something that is stronger today. If only Carleton had retained the building’s original design.
The University Centre’s main hall at opening. Source: Pamphlet, “University Centre” Carleton ARC “University Centre, Pt. 3” Box PINFO-46.
This story, however, is about Place du Portage, especially Phases I and II. I quite like them. I don’t intend to go into the complex’s history here. This is mostly, and perhaps predictably, because Robert Smythe has already seen to it. Over the span of a number of blog stories, he has covered the original visions and plans for urban renewal in Hull , the four phases of Place du Portage , the old Hull Post Office displaced by Phase VI , Etienne Gaboury’s own contributions , and even some more residual contemporary concerns . My aim here is simply to share the collection of photographs, taken by Ted Grant, the Department of Public Works, Hans Blohm between 1972 and 1977.
Interior, Phase II. August 1976. Image: Ted Grant / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 17.
Stained Glass – Phase I. August 1976. Image: Ted Grant / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 21.
Interior, Phase II. August 1976. Image: Ted Grant / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 36.
Exterior, Phase I. August 1976. Image: Ted Grant / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 8.
Exterior, Phases I and II. August 1976. Image: Ted Grant / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 26.
Interior, Phases I and II. August 1976. Image: Ted Grant / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 25.
Interior, Phases I and II. January 1977. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 3.
Interior, Phases I and II. January 1977. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 4.
Interior. January 1977. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 5.
Interior. January 1977. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 7.
Interior. January 1977. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 8.
Interior. January 1977. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 9.
Interior. January 1977. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 9 (2-44).
Interior. January 1977. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 15.
Interior. January 1977. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 23.
Interior. January 1977. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item 27.
Labour Office, Phase II. 1976. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item “Labour Phase II”.
Labour Office, Phase II. 1976. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00014 Item “Labour Phase II”.
Phase I, viewed from Parliament. 1975. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00041 Item 3-13.
Interior, Phase II. 1975. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00041 Item 3-24.
Interior, Phase II. 1975. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00041 Item 3-25.
Interior, Phase II. 1975. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00041 Item 3-27.
Phases I and II, viewed from Parliament. 1975. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00041 Item 4-13.
Interior, Phase I. 1975. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00041 Item 4-26.
Interior, Phase I. 1975. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00041 Item 4-27.
Phases I and II, Exterior. 1975. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00041 Item 4-30.
Phases I and II, Exterior. 1975. Image: Public Works / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC Box TCS 00041 Item 4-32.
Phases I and II, Aerial. n.d. Image: Hans Blohm / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC.
Phase I, Exterior View. December 16, 1973. Image: Hans Blohm / LAC Accession 1983-074 NPC, Box 05503, Item 2169-12.
Phase I, Exterior View. July 8, 1972. Image: Hans Blohm / LAC Accession 1984-082 NPC, Item 1836-1.
Sculpture Model. March 1974. Image: Hans Blohm / LAC Accession 1983-074 NPC, Box 05503, Item 2194-10.
Sculpture Model. March 1974. Image: Hans Blohm / LAC Accession 1983-074 NPC, Box 05504, Item 2194-11.
Phase I, Exterior Square. February 25, 1975. Image: Hans Blohm / LAC Accession 1983-074 NPC, Box 05504, Item 2345-5.
Phase I, Exterior Square. February 25, 1975. Image: Hans Blohm / LAC Accession 1983-074 NPC, Box 05504, Item 2345-4.
Phases I – III, Exterior View. December 25, 1975. Image: Hans Blohm / LAC Accession 1983-074 NPC, Box 05505, Item 2449-5.
Phases I – III, Exterior. December 27, 1975. Image: Hans Blohm / LAC Accession 1983-074 NPC, Box 05505, Item 2449-19.