Second City, Second Metro: The Women’s Institute of Navan Seconds the Call for Alignment with Carleton County

Presenting on the same day as the Navan Lion’s Club, the Women’s Institute of Navan appeared before Murray Jones on March 31 to make the case for separation from the United Counties of Prescott and Russell and an alignment with Carleton County.1”Navan Briefs: More Urge Link To Carleton County,” Ottawa Journal, March 31, 1965, 1.

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The transporting of Cumberland school children over poor roads and the shifting of secondary students between different Ottawa schools creates problems affecting education. Road conditions also impede the one township doctor; he is also restricted from attending his surgery cases in any city hospital. The problems of language and distance prohibit the use of the County Home for the Aged at L'Orignal to township residents.

The redefinition of United Church Regional Area #3 realigned east Prescott-Russell County churches to the Cornwall region and rest County churches to the Carleton County region. A similar realignment occurred in the Anglican Church Deanery.

The Township is a member of the Carleton West Russell Historical Society and residents depend on Ottawa and Eastview for their entertainment, much of their shopping, banking, instructional and other services and points up the need for further study and action.



Mrs. Janet Rathwell, Mrs. Jacqueline Williams and Mrs. Edith Cotton made the submission, supporting the township's severance from the United Counties and its alignment with Carleton County with retention of its municipal council.

It was expected that a Carleton County alignment would,
a) permit better and fairer utilization of the local tax dollar,
particularly in the case of roads, which are presently poorly
built, improperly drained and inadequately maintained,
b) provide schools in the vicinity which would permit students
to attend one school for Grades 9 to 13 without being

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c) cut out extra fees and charges for lawyers, library use, etc.
and provide better health and dental services and perhaps
permit financial support for a hospital to serve the area; these
services are now found in Ottawa.
d) allow the township to take part in the Carleton County Co-
operative Medical Services program in operation since 1947.

It was stated that while the township had only one resident doctor, there were 3 doctors at Rockland and a clinic and 6 doctors at Hawkesbury. The United Counties' Children's Aid Society and the County Public Health service at Hawkesbury provide a minimum of service to the township. Health nurses visit the schools twice a year and no homemaker or nursing care is provided as a public service; hospitalization programs do not cover some of the nursing homes in the area. Carleton Lodge was considered as well located for township residents as the Home for the Aged at L'Orignal and did not present the language problems found there.



1 ”Navan Briefs: More Urge Link To Carleton County,” Ottawa Journal, March 31, 1965, 1.